Simple Exercises to Help Boost Your Mood from Dylan Celli

Dylan Celli
3 min readFeb 28, 2022
Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

One of the goals that Dylan Celli has for his clients and for the people who follow him is to help them use physical activity to boost their emotional health.

While any type of exercise can help you feel more mentally fit, certain types of physical activity have a bigger impact on emotional wellness. These exercise routines will help you improve your emotional health when you practice them regularly.


Many people practice yoga because it’s simple to do and helps keep muscles limber and strong. It also provides powerful mental health benefits through the deep breathing necessary for holding yoga poses.

Inhaling deeply delivers more oxygen-rich blood to the brain. As a result, GABA, an amino acid that doubles as a neurotransmitter, produces a calming effect on the mind and reduces anxiety.

Tai Chi

The art of Tai Chi has been described as meditation in motion because of how the mind is relaxed and focused during fluid movements. As you stand in one place and shift your weight in unison with the movement of your hands and feet, your breathing will achieve a rhythm of its own.

As a result, you’ll experience less stress and feel more relaxed after each session. If you listen to soothing or inspirational music during these sessions, you’ll maximize the emotional health benefits.


While you might start doing Pilates to build and tone muscle, it also has mental health benefits that help you get more out of each day. People who do Pilates for 30 minutes or more each day report feeling greater mental clarity.

These strength training exercises can also help you sleep better, contributing to greater concentration and clarity.


Another exercise that Dylan Celli recommends for better mental health is riding a bicycle. When you ride a bicycle for 30 minutes a day, you will increase your stamina and endurance. This means that you’ll be increasing your energy levels even when you’re not riding the bike.

Cycling will also cause the release of endorphins in the brain, which are the “feel-good” neurotransmitters responsible for improving mood.


You might consider swimming as often as you can if you suffer from depression or anxiety. The repetitive strokes and unique breathing patterns required in swimming will help you achieve a meditative state as you strengthen your muscles, improve lung capacity, and benefit your cardiovascular health.

Swimming may help you stop worrying about the life events that are causing you concern. You’ll enjoy greater mental clarity and an improved mood that will last long after you finish your swim.

About Dylan Celli

Dylan Celli is a yoga instructor, fitness trainer, and life coach who specializes in leading people towards inner perfection by helping them achieve outward gains. Dylan primarily focuses on high-end clients: executives, athletes, and industry leaders by applying a progressive, goal-oriented strategy that improves self-confidence and inner peace.



Dylan Celli

Dylan Celli is a yoga instructor, fitness trainer, and life coach leading people towards inner perfection by helping them achieve outward gains.